Create a Skincare Routine That Lasts

zo skin care routine Bella leiWhat is Your Skincare Routine?

Most of us fall into one of three categories when it comes to a skincare routine:

  1. Give me all the products, I want to try all the pretty things! Ipsy is probably your go-to for the month.
  2. What routine? Maybe I’ll wash my face tomorrow… with a bar of body soap? Maybe?
  3. Strict skincare routine with medically proven products (unfortunately, this one is lesson common but the most effective).

We understand! If you don’t fall in category #3, the Fundamental Five by ZO Skin Health, for example, can sound like a lot- maybe even overwhelming to the point that you don’t even give it a try!  Give this blog a quick read, and it might just change your mind. 

Consistency is Key!

Your skin loves consistency and the more consistent you are with the steps, the more results you will see.  This is similar to your body as it relates to healthy food and exercise.  One healthy meal a week or one work out every now and then probably won’t give you the results you are looking for.  It is no different with your skin. 

How to Create a Skincare Routine

Here are a few steps to create a routine, and most importantly, stick to it.  

Keep all your products in one place.

You are more likely to use a regimen it if you don’t have to go searching for the products.  Rummaging through a cabinet, bathroom drawers, then checking under the sink probably wouldn’t be the most efficient way.  If it’s not convenient, you won’t stick to it.  

Make your display look appealing. display skincare routine Bella lei

Once you have all your products, display them! You are more likely to use something that looks more visually appealing.  ZO Skin Health products are packaged beautifully so why not display them on a little tray in your bathroom or dressing area?  If it’s on display and you don’t have to look at it, you are more likely to use it daily. 

Check out this photo from one of Bella Lei’s patients, Ashley O’Neal.  She states, “I make a beautiful display in the bathroom of my ZO products.  They are actually really pretty, so it goes with my bathroom décor.  I used to label my products with the steps for morning and afternoon, but I now have them memorized so I don’t have to do that anymore.  Keeping them on display helps me never forgot my morning and afternoon applications.  The results I have experienced from doing this has truly changed my skin.

Set a reminder

While working on creating a habit or routine, help yourself out by setting a reminder on your phone.  Seeing the visual reminder and being able to check it off gives a sense of accomplishment!  And once you start to see the results, you’ll look forward to it! 

Use the shower.

If you bathe in the mornings, start your cleansing and polishing routine in the shower.  Shower in the evenings?  No problem.  We recommend keeping two cleansers- one in the shower and one by the sink.  This way you never forget.  If you can’t afford purchasing two products at once, consider purchasing reusable bottles for your ZO products (linked here).  Convenience is key!  

fundamental 5 skin health Bella LeiTravel with your products.

I have made this mistake too many times! I go on a short or long vacation and don’t feel like packing up my entire ZO routine.  I end up bringing along just one product or generic cleansers and lotions, and it never fails- I end up with a breakout or rash,” stated Ashley O’Neal.   Don’t make this mistake!  You can purchase a ZO travel size for just about any ZO Skin Health product or purchase the Fundamental Five Kit and save it for travel. Another option is tiny refill bottles (linked here).  The ZO experts can help you with this one during your free consultation or one of your follow-ups.  Planning ahead for your time away from home is the key. 

Trust us when we say it’s worth it.  We are passionate about skin health at Bella Lei and we know you will love your healthy, rejuvenated skin once you get your routine established! Remember consistency is key! Your results will be worth it.  

Dr. Obagi- The ZO Skin Health Rockstar

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